Ersatz Organizing Committee

This timeline is for participants from countries without active organizing committees. If your country or territory has an active organizing committee, please follow their timeline. If you are unsure if your country has an active organizing committee or if the legal entity is claiming to represent IDSOL in your country or territory, contact us for clarification.

Training Phase

  • Information Sessions:
    • May 2024: 17, 24, 31
    • June 2024: 7, 14, 21
  • Crash Courses: 
    • July 2024: 15-16 / 18-19 / 22-23 / 25-26 / 29-30
    • August 2024: 1-2 / 5-6 / 8-9 / 12-13 / 15-16 / 19-20 / 22-23

Prologue Phase

  • Invitation to participate in local/national level:  until Aug 31
  • Invitation to nominate teams to local/national level:  until Aug 27
  • Nomination of teams to local/national level:  Aug 1 to Aug 31
  • Team Registration to local/national level:  Aug 1 to Aug 31
  • Project Submission to local/national level:  Aug 1 to Aug 31

Main Event

  • Screening of Projects:  Sep 1 to Sep 6
  • Invitation of Representation:  Sep 7 to Sep 14
  • Confirmation of Representation:  Sep 7 to Sep 21
  • Announcement of Representation:  Sep 23 to Sep 30
  • Submission of Poster:  Oct 16 to Oct 26
  • IDSOL 2024 Finals:  Nov 11 to Nov 16


  • Publishing of IDSOL 2024 Results:  Dec 2 to Dec 9
  • Issuing of IDSOL 2024 Certificates:  Dec 2 to Dec 21