AI for a Sustainable Future

The 2024 International Data Science Olympiad (IDSOL 2024) is a data science and artificial intelligence solution design competition for students hosted in The Netherlands with prelude exclusive tour of innovation hot spots


To encourage and equip the next generation of innovative and inquisitive minds to direct their creativity and passion for designing solutions for sustainable development of humanity.

Who can join?

For current students and recent students [within 3 years of stopping studies] seeking careers as solution architects, product designers, product developers, tech consulting, management consulting, and tech startup founders.

IDSOL Gatherings

The International Data Science Olympiad (IDSOL) manages conferences and competitions, which help people who study and work in data sciences and artificial intelligence to share ideas and work together.

Challenge Themes

“Unless we act now, the 2030 Agenda will become an epitaph for a world that might have been.”